File copy.sub     * By ASM8 v9.00 Win32 [Friday, April 12, 2013  11:00 am]

    1                           ;*******************************************************************************
    2                           ;* Module    : COPY.SUB
    3                           ;* Programmer: Tony Papadimitriou <>
    4                           ;* Purpose   : Copy routine(s)
    5                           ;* Language  : Freescale HC08/9S08 Assembly Language ( v9.00+)
    6                           ;* Status    : FREEWARE Copyright (c) 2013 by Tony Papadimitriou <>
    7                           ;* Original  :
    8                           ;* Note(s)   : Can be placed in any memory (normal or paged).  Always use CALL.
    9                           ;* History   : 03.08.14 v1.00 Original
   10                           ;* CRC $C80E : 10.02.12       Adapted to latest ASM8
   11                           ;* CRC $141D : 10.06.21       Added macro BlockCopy to simplify subroutine use
   12                           ;* CRC $CD55 : 10.08.19       Improved macro to allow for ,X indexed parms
   13                           ;* CRC $CD55 : 11.07.27       Improved macro for ,AX and ,SPX indexed parms
   14                           ;* CRC $1B43 : 12.11.27       Removed CLC from exit (no errors possible)
   15                           ;*           :                Optimized HC08 case by 6 bytes (via SP => SPX)
   16                           ;*******************************************************************************
*** BEGIN INCLUDE FILE: C:\mot\hc08\asm\ ***
*** BEGIN INCLUDE FILE: C:\mot\hc08\asm\ ***
*** BEGIN INCLUDE FILE: C:\mot\hc08\asm\ ***
*** END   INCLUDE FILE: C:\mot\hc08\asm\ *** (RESUMING FILE: C:\mot\hc08\asm\
*** BEGIN INCLUDE FILE: C:\mot\hc08\asm\ ***
*** END   INCLUDE FILE: C:\mot\hc08\asm\ *** (RESUMING FILE: C:\mot\hc08\asm\
*** END   INCLUDE FILE: C:\mot\hc08\asm\ *** (RESUMING FILE: C:\mot\hc08\asm\
*** END   INCLUDE FILE: C:\mot\hc08\asm\ *** (RESUMING FILE: C:\mot\hc08\asm\lib\copy.sub)
   22                                               #Cycles
   23                                               #MapOff
   24                                               #HideMacros
   27                           ;*******************************************************************************
   28                           ; Macro to perform BlockCopy in a single command
   48                           ;*******************************************************************************
   49                           ; Purpose: Copy a block from one memory location to another
   50                           ; Input  : Stack = parameter block [3 words]
   51                           ;        : TOS+4: Number of bytes (sizeof block)
   52                           ;        : TOS+2: Destination pointer
   53                           ;        : TOS  : Source pointer
   54                           ; Output : Parameter block contents destroyed
   55                           ; Use    :          #ROM
   56                           ;        :          #Include  copy.sub
   57                           ; Call   :          ldhx      #NumberOfBytes      ;parameters are pushed
   58                           ;        :          pshhx                         ;on the stack in such
   59                           ;        :          ldhx      #Destination        ;order so as to end up
   60                           ;        :          pshx                          ;correctly offset from
   61                           ;        :          ldhx      #Source             ;the stack pointer as
   62                           ;        :          pshhx                         ;shown in the above
   63                           ;        :          call      BlockCopy           ;make the call
   64                           ;        :          ais       #6                  ;de-allocate parameter bytes
   65                           ; Size   : 41 bytes [9S08], 77 bytes [HC08]
   66                           ; Cycles : 74       [9S08], 116      [HC08]
   68                                               #spauto   :ab                 ;account for RTS/RTC
   70      182C                 BlockCopy           proc
   71                                               #temp     1
   71      0001                 .src@@            next      :temp,2
   71      0003                 .dst@@            next      :temp,2
   71      0005                 counter@@            next      :temp,2
   72 182C:8789 8B         [ 6]                     push
   74 182F:9EFE 0A         [ 5]                     ldhx      counter@@,sp
   75 1832:271C (1850)     [ 3]                     beq       Exit@@              ;zero length means exit now
   77 1834:9EFE 06         [ 5]                     ldhx      .src1,sp
   77 1837:F6              [ 3]                     lda       ,x
   77 1838:AF01            [ 2]                     aix       #1
   77 183A:9EFF 06         [ 5]                     sthx      .src1,sp
   78 183D:9EFE 08         [ 5]                     ldhx      .dst1,sp
   78 1840:F7              [ 2]                     sta       ,x
   78 1841:AF01            [ 2]                     aix       #1
   78 1843:9EFF 08         [ 5]                     sthx      .dst1,sp
   80 1846:9EFE 0A         [ 5]                     ldhx      counter@@,sp
   81 1849:AFFF            [ 2]                     aix       #-1                 ;decrement counter
   82 184B:9EFF 0A         [ 5]                     sthx      counter@@,sp
   83 184E:26E4 (1834)     [ 3]                     bne       Loop@@              ;repeat until counter = zero
   84                           ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105 1850:8A88 86         [ 9] Exit@@              pull
  106 1853:81              [ 6]                     rtc
  108                                               #sp
  109                           ;*******************************************************************************
  110                                               #Exit
  111                           ;*******************************************************************************
  113                                               #Message  BlockCopy Size: {*-BlockCopy} bytes, {:cycles}+ cycles
  114                                               #MapOn
  116      000B                 DATASIZE            def       11
  118                                               #push
  118                                               #RAM
  118                                               #XRAM
  118      0100                 Destination             set       *
  118                                               #size     Destination,DATASIZE
  118 0100+000B                                     rmb       DATASIZE
  118                                               #pull
  120                                               #spauto
  122      1854                 Start               proc
  123 1854:4510 80         [ 3]                     ldhx      #STACKTOP
  123 1857:94              [ 2]                     txs
  124 1858:4F              [ 1]                     clra                          ;(keeps simulator happy)
  126                                               #push
  126                                               #spauto   :sp
  126 1859:898B            [ 4]                     pshhx
  126                                               #psp
  126 185B:4500 0B         [ 3]                     ldhx      #DATASIZE
  126 185E:898B            [ 4]                     pshhx
  126 1860:4501 00         [ 3]                     ldhx      #Destination
  126 1863:898B            [ 4]                     pshhx
  126 1865:4518 73         [ 3]                     ldhx      #Source
  126 1868:898B            [ 4]                     pshhx
  126 186A:CD18 2C         [ 6]                     call      BlockCopy
  126 186D:A706            [ 2]                     ais       #:psp
  126 186F:8A88            [ 6]                     pulhx
  126                                               #pull
  127                           ;                   @BlockCopy, 1,x 2,ax 3,spx    ;test X-based indexed modes
  128 1871:20FE (1871)     [ 3]                     bra       *
  130 1873.5465 7374 696E       Source              fcs       'Testing...'
  130      672E 2E2E       
  130 187D.00                   
  132                                               #Push
  132                                               #VECTORS
  132                                               #ppc
  132      FFFE                                     org       Vreset
  132 FFFE.1854                                     dw        Start
  132      FFCC                                     org       :ppc
  132                                               #Pull


         S E G M E N T   U S A G E   R E P O R T

Segment  Start   End    Size  CodObj  DatObj  TotObj  Lines
-------  -----  -----  -----  ------  ------  ------  -----
XRAM     $0100  $010A  $000B   $0000   $0000   $0000      3
ROM      $182C  $187D  $0052   $0047   $000B   $0052   4589
DATA     $FFBD  $FFBF  $0003   $0000   $0002   $0002     31
VECTORS  $FFFE  $FFFF  $0002   $0000   $0002   $0002      3

Summary  $182C  $FFFF  $E7D4   $0047   $000F   $0056   4626


         O V E R A L L   M E M O R Y   U S A G E

Total RAM   size:     11   $000B    0.01 KB
Total CODE  size:     71   $0047    0.07 KB   (31 instructions)
Total DATA  size:     15   $000F    0.01 KB
Total IMAGE size:     86   $0056    0.08 KB

Lowest address  :   6188   $182C
Highest address :  65535   $FFFF
Address Range   :  61250   $EF42   59.81 KB   (Used Range:  0.14%)

Number of INCLUDE files: 4
Number of MACROs called: 71
Number of [#]PROCs used: 2

Assembled 4635 lines (No Errors, Warnings: 0), CRC: $1B43

                        *** End of copy.sub listing ***