;* Module    : DIVSTACK.SUB
;* Programmer: Tony Papadimitriou <tonyp@acm.org>
;* Purpose   : Divide stacked word of parent routine by the value in X
;* Language  : Motorola/Freescale/NXP HC08/9S08 Assembly Language (aspisys.com/ASM8)
;* Status    : FREEWARE Copyright (c) 2021 by Tony Papadimitriou <tonyp@acm.org>
;* Original  : http://www.aspisys.com/code/hc08/divstack.html
;* Note(s)   : Use: #Include divstack.sub
;* History   : 10.02.02 v1.00 Original
;*           : 11.04.13       Moved test code at EOF (for #EXIT optimization)
;*           : 11.07.01       Minor change in test code, and added macro
;*           : 21.04.14       Minor refactoring

#ifmain ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    #Uses     mcu.inc
#endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Purpose: Divide stacked word of parent routine by the value in X
; Input  : Stack before JSR/BSR/CALL: 16-bit number to divide
;        : X = 8-bit divisor
; Output : Stack after JSR/BSR/CALL: Divided 16-bit number
; Use    :          ldx       #Divisor
;        :          call      DivideStackedWord

DivideStackedWord   macro     8-bit divisor
                    mreq      1:8-bit divisor
                    ldx       ~@~
                    call      ~0~


                    #spauto   :ab                 ;account for RTS/RTC

DivideStackedWord   proc
ans@@               equ       1,2
                    clrh                          ;H is initially zero (always)
                    @div.s    ans@@,sp

                    #Message  Cycles: {:cycles}

DIVIDEND_VALUE      def       60000               ;example dividend value
DIVISOR_VALUE       def       100                 ;example divisor value


Start               proc
                    clra                          ;(keeps simulator happy)

                    ldhx      #DIVIDEND_VALUE
                    pshhx                         ;put word to divide on stack
                    @DivideStackedWord #DIVISOR_VALUE
                    pulhx                         ;recover result from stack
                    cphx      #DIVIDEND_VALUE/DIVISOR_VALUE
                    bne       *                   ;something went wrong
                    bra       *                   ;all is well

                    @vector   Vreset,Start